Importance Of Pet Dental Health

pet dental healthRegular dental care is very important for the long-term comfort and health of your pet. While there are several things you can do at home to slow tooth decay and prevent infection, it is highly recommended to take your pet in for regular dental checkups at the veterinarian to ensure that your pet’s teeth and gums are truly healthy and clean. A board-certified veterinarian has the specialized pet dental health knowledge needed to identify any dental complications or concerns in your pet while knowing the best way to clean their teeth thoroughly.


The Risks Of Not Being Proactive About Pet Dental Health


Neglecting your pet’s dental health can result in more than just bad breath and grimy teeth. Failing to get your pets the dental care they need can cause problems such as retained baby teeth, worn teeth, and painful loss of teeth. However, complications from dental disease can also increase the risk of more severe health complications such as these:


  • Cavities
  • Gum Disease
  • Broken Teeth
  • Abscess
  • Infection
  • Misalignment Of Bite
  • Jaw Problems
  • Medical Problems With Organs


Danger Of Periodontal Disease

By the tender age of three, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have periodontal disease, a serious infection of the gums that can spread below the gum line and infect the jaw. If allowed to progress, gum disease can lead to problems with the kidneys, liver, and heart.


sick satPeriodontal disease often begins as gingivitis (gum inflammation), which is a milder infection of the gums that typically starts with bacterial buildup on the surface of the teeth along the gum line. Without proper dental care, such as consistent and effective brushing, plaque begins to form, causing gums to look red and bleed more easily. If the infection worsens, the bacteria can spread below the gum line into the spaces between teeth, producing toxins and potentially resulting in degeneration of the bone and connective tissue. Symptoms of gum disease include loss of appetite, dropping food and drooling when drinking or eating, broken teeth, losing teeth, and bleeding gums.


What You Can Do At Home For Your Pet’s Dental Care


Pets, especially dogs, can be in pain and not show it. They may chew the same despite hurting and play just as hard through the discomfort, making it very important to evaluate the condition of your pet’s teeth regularly.


Signs of a potential dental problem include:


  • Bad Breath
  • Loose or Broken Teeth
  • Abnormal Chewing Or Eating (drooling, dropping food, reduced appetite, refusing to eat)
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Irritability Or Changes In Behavior


Brushing teeth is the most effective way to prevent serious health complications from evolving. While some chew toys are designed to help clean teeth, they aren’t nearly as efficient as thoroughly brushing their teeth. Ideally, pets should have their teeth brushed daily. However, brushing at least three times a week will greatly help in preventing the accumulation of bacteria.


If possible, start brushing while your pet is still young, making it a normal part of their routine. Make sure to brush softly, using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for your pet (never use human toothpaste) and reward your pet afterward to provide positive reinforcement.


Make Regular Dental/Veterinarian Appointments


regular vet visitsYour pet’s veterinarian has specialized knowledge for recognizing a dental problem and also experience for removing plaque or tartar and treating infection. Most veterinarians will perform a dental evaluation during routine or sick visits because teeth can provide a clear sign of underlying issues.


If a dental procedure is needed, vets often use anesthesia in order to examine and treat your pet without causing stress on the animal and making it easier to be thorough.


Northern Colorado Pet Dental Care


February is Pet Dental Health Month and Royal Vista Veterinary Specialists, located in Windsor, believe that proactive dental care is vital for giving your pet a long, healthy, and pain-free life. Neglecting to care for your pets’ teeth and gums can greatly increase their chances of dental problems, gum disease, pain and even more serious health problems.


At Royal Vista Veterinary Specialists, we are committed to providing superior and thorough care for such special members of your family. We offer affordable veterinary care, allowing you to make the best possible healthcare decisions for your pets. Contact us today at (970) 825-5975 to learn more about the importance of pet dental health or to schedule an appointment.


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